As our U.S. economy continues to struggle it is quite common to hear people on radio and television talking about the state of the economy and the job market. One comment I tire from is when people state, "I don't want U.S. companies to move our jobs overseas when we need those jobs right here."
Stop to think about that for a moment.
Companies do not move jobs overseas to be mean-spirited. They move jobs overseas to find a lower cost structure so they can remain competitive in a world where low price is a main driver of consumer behavior--especially during difficult economic times.
So the next time you find yourself complaining about American jobs going overseas stop and ask yourself if you are willing to buy more American products and pay more for them than foreign comparable ones. If you would rather continue to choose products with the lowest prices so you can save money then look in the mirror the next time you are looking for reasons jobs are going to other countries with substantially lower labor costs.