John Tantillo, nationally known marketing and branding expert and Fox Forum columnist, has announced the first event in his Brand For Breakfast series for small business owners and professionals. According to Tantillo, the aim of the breakfasts is to show non-marketers the necessity of marketing their brands and their businesses and to equip them with the tools to make immediate and lasting changes to their operations.
“'Brand for Breakfast' is a way for me to share with a smart, engaged and select audience marketing as marketing is meant to be —not gimmickry, but something founded on the reality of your business that will build your business if you learn and follow its rules,” Tantillo said.
Tantillo, known as The Marketing Doctor, holds a PhD in research psychology and is credited with coining the term “The O’Reilly Factor,” used as the title for the Fox commentator’s show. Tantillo is regularly called on by the media to apply his experience in psychology and marketing to everything from politics to celebrity brands. He has a reputation for identifying early trends and shifts in the political, cultural and corporate marketplace. Tantillo was one of the first commentators to draw attention to the recent trend of creating an advertisement for the sake of generating controversial coverage and ensuring many more impressions than a typical media buy. He named the phenomenon “adpublitizing,” since it harnesses traditional advertising to publicity.
For Tantillo, the Brand for Breakfast series is the next chapter in something of a personal crusade to rescue marketing from what he sees as its chronic mis-representation.
The Brand for Breakfast event will be held between 8am and 10am at Etcetera Etcetera, 352 West 44 Street, New York, New York on November 18, 2009.
Register online at
The cost of the seminar is $75 and may be paid to the Marketing Department of America Ltd. through PayPal when registering online.
For any questions, contact Rolf Graber: 212-679-5700, rgraeber[at]
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