Friday, October 26, 2012

Deliver to go undelivered?

So, when I open up my October issue of Deliver Magazine, the magazine by the United States Postal Service for marketers aimed at boosting direct mail marketing, should I conclude anything from the editor's letter?  You know, the one in which he states that "the time has come for us to take a little break" and "Deliver magazine is going on hiatus?"

Naw.  I'm sure everything at the USPS is just peachy and direct mail is stronger than ever.

It does seem a bit odd, though, that a magazine that aims to boost direct mail marketing would state that while it is ceasing its printed and mailed version that "you'll still be able to find Deliver content online and download back issues."

Move along folks.  Nothing to see here.  Everything is just fine at the U.S. Postal Service.

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