Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Recall another blow to Toyota's reputation

The story in the L.A. Times details Toyota's battles with quality problems and how those problems might tarnish the brand's reputation.  The Toyota brand has earned a reputation as a high quality, trouble-free automobile over the years but the recent problems fly in the face of that perception.

Part of having built a strong brand, however, typically means that consumers will be more forgiving of problems when they arise as long as the brand owners acts swiftly and definitively to rebuild and reinforce what the brand means in the minds of consumers.  If Toyota addresses the problems properly and assures consumers that they will redouble their commitment to quality and safety then the brand can easily be repaired and not suffer long-lasting brand equity erosion.

Will the Toyota brand recover?

My bet is that it will but only time, Toyota and consumers will ultimately make that determination.

1 comment:

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