Monday, March 31, 2008

Make a promise and keep it

An effective brand represents a promise of value to the consumer. A solid brand message communicates what that value is in a way that resonates with the target consumer. If done properly, the promise offers unique value that is not found in competing brands.

As such, branding helps the consumer make the decision once they decide to purchase within the category. At the moment of truth when the consumer is ready to make their choice, a good brand promise will help the consumer make the purchase decision. If the branding holds true, then the consumer also feels the benefits of those kept promises and unique value after they have purchased the brand and those kept promises shape how they feel about the experience long after they’ve made the purchase.

Create a powerful brand and they will not only come back for more, but they’ll tell their friends.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Old-time marketing of the future

...meanwhile, back in the "words mean things" category, here's a sign I passed earlier in the week while traveling through Virginia:

When I pop over to Merriam I find:

1: a relic or object of ancient times
2: a work of art, piece of furniture, or decorative object made at an earlier period and according to various customs laws at least 100 years ago

Now, does anything currently "made daily" fit this definition or is this marketing communications created without really thinking about what is being said?

"Old fashioned" or "old style" would have been more accurate, but this marketer chose words that simply aren't and cannot be true.

No wonder marketers have a reputation for stretching the truth.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Brand Destruction

Earlier today in the American Marketing Association's Brand Strategy and Brand Management SIG, a member posted an intriguing observation.

This SIG member opined that U.S. companies work more to destroy and devalue brands rather than to build and nourish them. This person then went on to challenge the group to think of any brand that is as highly valued today as it was 5 years ago. He then asked a question, "Why do companies destroy brands?"

Firstly, I don't believe that companies consciously devalue their own brands. I believe the market takes care of much of that for them in a fierce, hyper-competitive marketplace where differentiation between a myriad of offerings in any single category is extremely challenging. Further, price pressures and readily-available information via the Internet helps drive just about everything toward commoditization. (For those new to the concept of commoditization, think "unbranded" and consumer choice driven almost exclusively by price.)

I also believe that the way most companies manage brands is unhealthy to long-term brand value.

I have reached the conclusion in my independent research that brands are, by nature, long-term entities and brand managers (and other corporate managers) are critters who are more interested in short-term -- especially quarterly -- results in order to satisfy their bosses and shareholders. One is focused on the short-term and the other is, by definition, a long-term concept. The two are not always in synch with one another.

Brand managers are primarily measured and assessed on their short-term results and when given a choice between making a decision that's in the best interest of the brand vs. making a decision that's in the best interest of their immediate career and income, they'll choose what's in their own best interest first. This may or may not always be in the best, long-term interest of the brand.

Let's face it. Price promotions and other marketing activities geared toward boosting short-term sales may make the brand look good by providing short-term bumps in sales, but these practices actually hurt brands in the long-run because they train consumers to wait for sales, stock-up when items go on sale or they simply reduce the likelihood that anyone will pay full price for a product or service.

When this happens you have a recipe for brand destruction.

A brand means that a product or service delivers superior and unique value that is worth a premium price.

Self-interest, laziness and simple lack of any unique product attributes cause the brand manager to fail to build, communicate and deliver that unique, superior value.

In the absence of unique value, pressure is placed upon low price and the destruction of the brand begins.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

What's missing?

Of all of the information out there, of all the blogs and websites dedicated to marketing and branding, what information is missing?

What marketing topics do you wish were being covered but aren't? What aspects of marketing are not adequately addressed here or elsewhere?

Leave a comment or drop me an email and let me know.

This blog can go anywhere you want it to go, so tell me what's on your mind.