Sunday, August 07, 2005

DaimlerChrysler breaks bread with Iacocca

I would be remiss if I did not send kudos out to DaimlerChrysler for tapping Lee Iacocca to appear in its current television ads for Chrysler Group.

Lee Iacocca is the visionary leader who helped bring Chrysler back from the brink of extinction during the 1980’s and the move shows that this brand is willing to stay in touch with its roots and honor those who were so important to building the brand. It also shows that DaimlerChrysler acknowledges the value and authenticity that Mr. Iacocca brings to the brand despite the fact that he backed an unsuccessful takeover bid for the company in 1995 that left him at odds with the current owners for years.

Imagine that. A man who loves and believes in a brand so much that he tries to buy the company. What better brand champion could there possibly be?

The new ads represent a brave and bold step for DaimlerChrysler that will bring back thousands of older Iacocca fans who remember the 1980’s when this man not only had us believing in Chrysler again, but also made us start believing in America again. I can think of no better way for the company to tap emotion to help strengthen the brand.

Now, if younger people would only stop asking me, “Who is that guy at the end of the commercial” when they see me smiling at it…

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