Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Great Twitter Project: How To Make Money On Twitter

It's time to put your money where your mouth is.

What is it?:

A project to learn how people are making money with Twitter. Participants will be sent a short survey to explore their stories on how they are using or have used Twitter successfully to make money. Some participants will then be selected for more in-depth interviews. All stories, case studies and data will then be compiled and written into a special report that will be shared with all participants. The result will be an exclusive report packed full of tips describing how to successfully integrate Twitter into your marketing activities to increase your sales.

This project started on October 10, 2009 and new participants will be accepted until June 30, 2010. At that point the final surveys and interviews will be conducted and the final report written and sent to participants. The report is anticipated to be ready in late July, 2010.

To learn how people are using Twitter to make money and to share your success stories with others so best practices may be developed for those who wish to integrate Twitter into the marketing mix for their business. Also, the final report will list many participants by name & URL and contain ample footnotes. As such, this is a great opportunity for successful Twitter users to raise the visibility of their brands and further enhance their online Twitter success. Progress reports and other gems will be shared along the way.

Anyone who has access to the internet and who has an email address can participate. International, broad-based participation is encouraged.

This study is being conducted by Dave Dolak, a U.S.-based marketing professional. Dave is tired of hearing so much hype about Twitter and his aim is to cut through the hype and uncover the cases in which people are actually using Twitter to contribute to commerce in some way. Unless a potential marketing tool like Twitter causes money to change hands at some point then it is just a fad, an electronic diversion, a way to waste of great deal of time and effort and not actually a real marketing tool at all. This project aims to uncover those people who are using Twitter as a true marketing tool and to share their methods with others. Learn more about Dave at or

Become a participant in this project right now by subscribing via the “Add to cart” PayPal button below. The cost to participate is merely $2 and that buys you the final report at the end. 6 months after the report is released it will be made available to others outside of this project at a much higher price.

The great Twitter Project: How To Make Money On Twitter participation. $2.00 (USD)

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