Wednesday, December 23, 2009

How to Plan Your 2010 Marketing Budget

Many marketing professionals are currently pulling together their marketing plans and budgets for 2010.

If you are faced with making some hard choices because of a weak economy then let me offer some advice.

Attempting to spread your limited marketing investment across as many different media as possible is dangerous. Depth in media is absolutely essential to get the results you want.

All too often people spread their marketing dollars across too many different media and dilute their message and their success. They believe that "being everywhere" to create awareness is the most important thing they can do.

They are dead wrong.

These marketers would be more successful if they focused on mastering a few media first and then made the bulk of their marketing investment in those proven media rather than trying to be everywhere. Just because you test on a small scale with one medium and find a winning campaign that is ready to be scaled-up within the same media does not mean that it is time to roll it out into many different media at the same time. Different media might deliver very different results.

Concentrate on the few media channels with which you are successful. Experiment and measure until you have the return on investment solidly working in your favor and then pour most of your allotted marketing dollars into those media while testing new media on a smaller scale. Master each one of your media channels one at a time and then add them to your mix one at a time until you find the optimum mix and balance.

A winning message in one medium might not translate into a winning message in a different medium. Don't gamble on unproven media because most of the time you will be disappointed. This is especially true when it comes to social media.

If you are just starting with social media marketing (SMM) do not assume that social media is simply a new channel or set of channels through which to push out your traditional marketing messages. Social media requires engagement, transparency and a little experimentation to understand how it works. Traditional marketing rules do not apply in social media because in social media you do not control your message or the conversation about your brand. Others do.

If you are expanding your marketing toolkit in 2010 to include social media for the first time, then it is especially important that you take your time to understand the environment and that you do not sacrifice some of your proven marketing tactics in order to shift to the perceived low-cost nature of social media marketing. You might not like the short-term results because social media marketing takes plenty of time and engagement before you'll begin to see results. It also takes plenty of experience with it before you figure out the rules and can intelligently make decisions about how to make deeper marketing investments into it.

In 2010 you must make some hard decisions about your marketing investments. Try some new things but don't try to do everything. Trying to spread your marketing dollars as far as they will go will be a huge mistake as will be shifting the majority of your efforts into social media when it is a new arena to you.

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